Charnaud Family History
The purpose of this site and project is to try and record and recall the various personal and family histories as far back as possible. I am very conscious that after my brother and I die the link with our heritage and time spent in Turkey will be completely forgotten. At some levels it could be argued that it doesn’t really matter what or who we were or where we lived. It is not that we were important or wealthy or famous but we lived in a corner of the world which probably was as close to heaven as we might envisage it and I think it is worth keeping a record.

As this site unfolds and if you have any additional contributions to make that are pertinent, we would be very grateful for your input.

The story so far is that John Samuel Charnaud in 1660 fled from Pont de Veyle, Brest in Roman Catholic France and went to Vevey in Switzerland, married Margueritte Verdonnet in 1695. The family then came to Britain and were naturalized British in 1762 by special act of parliament no: 64. My brother Edwin and I now live in the South East of England and are the last two bearers of the name Charnaud who were born in Turkey and lived there for a short time. Our links with Turkey are no more but we have a large family of aunts, uncles and cousins and other relations all of whom are in an integral part of this story.

Harry Charnaud, August 2009.